A Flock of Wreaths

I recently ventured back out to McKinney, TX and spotted the best flocked wreath in one of the antique stores.  So of course, I had a new mission to give my wreaths a snowy make-over.  Thanks to a few cans of snow, all my wreaths are white now and I love them!     

I later spotted this lightly dusted flocked sweetgum wreath, which takes those sticky little monsters out of your yard and makes something pretty of them.  You can find the DIY steps here.
This past weekend was perfect to put the finishing touches on our Christmas decorations.  My little one was under the weather - so while she camped out on the sofa watching E.T., we worked like elves around her, preparing for our first holiday in our new(ish) house.  This image made me think of our weekend (I had to enlarge it but in doing so, cut off the words...it reads"there are homes you run from and homes you run to").  I hope I'm making a home that Stella will always want to run to.