Holiday Decor

You can never have too much mercury glass
or fresh evergreen this time of year...


The Wild In Me

I have an old friend back in New York that I fell out of touch with years and years ago and I search for her on-line every once in a while, hoping she'll magically appear on Facebook.  She was like a little pixie, clever, and way cooler than I could ever hope to be.  I do, however, come across her writings and musings on motherhood and am always transported.  I hope I'm not crossing the line by sharing this passage of one of her pieces I happened upon on another blog.  As a mother, I can so relate.  
My three year-old can wink. She has been able to do it for months now. Popeye gave her the idea, but her timing is all her own. I hear something shatter in the bathroom and round the corner in time to watch the last of my limited edition Chanel polish run thick and black like blood across white tiles. She winks at me and I’m rendered speechless. I am the law but she makes me a partner in her crimes and, secretly, I’m grateful for the invitation.

Upon the birth of her son, Laura Nyro, wrote “I don’t want to crush the wilderness in you, child, or the wild that’s in me. How do we keep them both alive?” As a mother, your world shrinky-dinks down to only the safest of bets but when my daughter winks, I remember rolling the dice. I remember the wild that’s in me.


Happy Spanxgiving!  Are you stuffed?  Me, too!  And yet tomorrow we'll head back over to my mom's house for leftovers.  I look forward to it more than Thanksgiving because there is far less family/friends and I can go with no make-up and my hair in a ponytail.  And in PJs.  Ok, maybe not that casual. 

Stella asked me 20 times if she could bring her tea set and table and chairs over to my mom's.  She had her own party for the first hour.  Here are some snapshots of the day...

My sister and me...
We didn't wear these all day,
just for a big family photo.

My mom always adds a little something special at Stella's setting...

My sister is the photographer of the family and she tried to take Stella's Christmas card picture but she was not cooperating.  She took her sweater and boots off the minute we arrived and wouldn't look at the camera.  Sigh...

Oops!  An accidental mini-marshmallow spill.

After shoving as many marshmallows possible into her mouth, the sugar must have gotten to her...she made a wardrobe change on her own putting her clothes on inside-out.  Then she showed us her new trick... 

Then she crashed...

Pumpkin Cake

Because we aren't going to eat enough over the next two days, Stella and I baked a Pumpkin Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting tonight.  It's the most kid-friendly recipe, inspired by this post.  I added a little bit of vanilla to the mix and Stella added sprinkles on top (next time, I'd like to replace the sprinkles with chopped pecans).  It is so easy and so yummy and this Thanksgiving Eve, I am thankful for these sweet moments she and I share. 

This long holiday weekend I hope to find time to delve further into this book.  Have you read it?  It's centered around the round-up of Jews in 1942 Paris.  It makes me thankful that my great-grandmother escaped Kraków, Poland before the Nazis invaded.  So the story goes that her mother hid all of her babies under her skirt while fleeing, although I think long before the invasion.  But what if they had stayed?  It's truly amazing to look at Stella and realize that she would not be here, nor would I, had it not been for such brave acts so many decades ago.  (If now you're wondering, I have a Jewish mother and a Baptist father...I like to joke that I'm both chosen and saved.  And to really mix it up, I married a Catholic.)

I'm also thankful to have met so many of you through this blog. It's been so inspiring and a great escape. Thank you for your time, your kind words, funny musings, and for sharing a little bit of your world as well.  I hope you have the most delicious, coziest Thanksgiving tomorrow with your loved ones.  xo

Tiffany's Christmas Windows

I love the Central Park carousel inspired windows Tiffany's has unveiled for the holidays.  Oh, to be in New York during the's so magical! 

For the news coverage:

Coin Purses

These coin purses are adorable and unique for a precious little person in your life...

Random Weekend Thoughts

Since Christmas has started earlier than ever once you step out your door (I hear the mall was packed yesterday), I'm happy to be inside watching Thanksgiving themed shows on the Food Network.  Even the Hallmark Channel has started airing Christmas movies!  I secretly like it a little and may have even set out my Santa mugs already...shhhhhh...don't tell anybody.

Mashed potatoes and a spinach casserole will be my contributions to our big family Thanksgiving dinner this week.  What will you be making?  All this talk about side dishes reminds me of one of our favorites that I found in Southern Living a few years ago, Israeli Couscous with Roasted Mushrooms.  We've never made it for Thanksgiving, but if you're looking for something a little different, it would be a good one.   

While I watch Thanksgiving Live,
Stella has set up office on the coffee table.

She still wears her princess dress every day.  She asks to put it on the minute she comes home from school and as soon as she wakes up on the weekends.  And then there are the dress-up shoes, tiara, and all the jewelry...(as you can see in her artwork, she's going through her "blue period" like Picasso)

If not in her dress, this is how she dresses herself:  color on color ("because it matches") and an expired holiday Hello Kitty t-shirt...

I love this smile...

Some fun discoveries...
We have little owls in our backyard. 
Found this Crew Cuts sweater for Stella for $2.99.  
Ski lifts, ice skates, and a plaid thermos...
wish they had my size!

Excited for the upcoming week. 
Have a good one! 

Ready To (not) Wear

I have a friend who has made it a tradtion to get Stella a pair of PJs from Hanna Andersson every Christmas.  Since Stella has become rather persnickety with her clothes, we thought it would be wise to give her the catalogue and let her choose.  We looked through it together and it became very clear that everything I liked, Stella did not, and everything she liked, made me roll my eyes and bite my tongue.  

I was having such a hard time shopping for her this fall because I've liked nothing in the stores.  You're hard pressed to find tops without words, illustrations, tulle, and glitter.  And then you have to deal with your little ones preferances...Stella detests leggins right now, making it even more challenging.  I finally turned to the internet and went on a search for corduroy pants that weren't in dreary mauves and grays or some hard-to-match blue.  Imagine my relief when I fell upon...wait for it...Osh Kosh.  I know, a little crazy that I forgot about this true blue staple from our childhood.  Here is what is shipping to me now or soon to be in my cart.  Tell you have any brands you always go to for your little ones?  And I mean for the day-to-day/nursery school wear.  Are boys easier to they get persnickety?  

 I plan on getting a big monogram on this one...

Cords in bright, cheery colors...

How cute will this be in the summer w/ Salt Waters?!



Just Because

I snapped a few pictures of Stella this morning just because.  Just because it was a good morning where we had no wardrobe-related meltdowns (although, I did beg for her to wear a warmer coat).  Just because she looked especially grown-up to me.  Just because she's 3 and a half.  Just because I love her.

How To Really Love A Child

This is a good reminder...
especially for me since I had one crabby three year old yesterday. 
And she didn't just have a moment. 
It was an all-day affair. 
Today?  Couldn't be sweeter.

Kathryn Whyte

I am so in love with the illustrations of Kathryn Whyte and especially those of her holiday designs.  Take a peek and maybe stock up on some cute tags for Christmas presents.

Think Pink

Kim, a dear friend of mine from high school, recently participated in the 3 day (60 mile) Susan G. Komen walk in Atlanta.  She has many family members who have had breast cancer so it was near and dear to her heart.  She documented her journey and I cried reading every single one of her entries.  These men and women push through blistered and bloody feet, aches and pains.  They all have very emotional moments during their walk.  They are true inspirations!  {I loved the sign Kim shared that she saw along her walk that read, "It's kind of fun to do the impossible" - Walt Disney}  So when I received a flier on my door that the Dallas route would pass by my house, I knew I wanted to do something to support the walkers.  My sweet husband made batches and batches of pink lemonade and we passed it out and cheered them on.  They probably thought Stella dressed up in her princess dress just for them...little do they know that she puts her dress on every single day.  It was so fulfilling to support all of these amazing people and Stella got such a kick out of those who dressed up as angels, in pink wigs, in tutus, etc.  One older woman who passed by looked down at Stella and said, "you are the reason we're doing this". 



When I was pregnant, I took on the most challenging DIY project of bringing a settee upholstered in four layers of fabric back to it's former glory.  So when my friend shared with me pictures of her DIY project for her baby-to-be's nursery, I truly appreciated her effort.  And I think she did such an amazing job!  In fact, I like hers way more than the original.   

She was first inspired by this Jonathan Adler chest...    

She then bought this...

and transformed it into the most adorable dresser/changing table...

Isn't it the cutest?!  I then spied this on Pinterest and shared it with
her since it reminded me of her concept.

I would have never thought of the multi-colored drawers
but now that I see it, I love it!