Random Weekend Thoughts

Since Christmas has started earlier than ever once you step out your door (I hear the mall was packed yesterday), I'm happy to be inside watching Thanksgiving themed shows on the Food Network.  Even the Hallmark Channel has started airing Christmas movies!  I secretly like it a little and may have even set out my Santa mugs already...shhhhhh...don't tell anybody.

Mashed potatoes and a spinach casserole will be my contributions to our big family Thanksgiving dinner this week.  What will you be making?  All this talk about side dishes reminds me of one of our favorites that I found in Southern Living a few years ago, Israeli Couscous with Roasted Mushrooms.  We've never made it for Thanksgiving, but if you're looking for something a little different, it would be a good one.   

While I watch Thanksgiving Live,
Stella has set up office on the coffee table.

She still wears her princess dress every day.  She asks to put it on the minute she comes home from school and as soon as she wakes up on the weekends.  And then there are the dress-up shoes, tiara, and all the jewelry...(as you can see in her artwork, she's going through her "blue period" like Picasso)

If not in her dress, this is how she dresses herself:  color on color ("because it matches") and an expired holiday Hello Kitty t-shirt...

I love this smile...

Some fun discoveries...
We have little owls in our backyard. 
Found this Crew Cuts sweater for Stella for $2.99.  
Ski lifts, ice skates, and a plaid thermos...
wish they had my size!

Excited for the upcoming week. 
Have a good one!