Growing Up

Take trains by yourself to places you've never been.  Sleep out alone under the stars.  Learn how to drive a stick shift.  Go so far away that you stop being afraid of not coming back.  Say no when you don't want to do something.  Say yes if your instincts are strong, even if everyone around you disagrees.  Decide whether you want to be liked or admired.  Decide if fitting in is more important than finding out what you're doing here.  - Eve Ensler
While probably meant for a woman in her 20's, this speaks to me as Stella had her first day in her new class (3-4 year olds).  I wasn't all that worried because I got a call from her school...they thought better of their decision and moved her into the other class with all of her girlfriends from her previous class.  This thrilled me.  She had spent an hour each day this past week in the class she was originally placed in - just to get acclimated before today's switch.  Each day I'd ask her how it went, if she liked her new room, teachers, and girlfriends but each time, she remained silent.  I got absolutely no response from her.  But when I told her about the change, that she was going to be with her "girls" after all, she was so excited and talked non-stop about it.  So my heart is happy once again and I learned that while I'm not the type to speak up for myself, I found my voice very quickly when it came to my little girl (who wouldn't stop jumping up and down to take this picture).  
I hope everybody had a wonderful return or start to their new school year!