Think Pink
Kim, a dear friend of mine from high school, recently participated in the 3 day (60 mile) Susan G. Komen walk in Atlanta. She has many family members who have had breast cancer so it was near and dear to her heart. She documented her journey and I cried reading every single one of her entries. These men and women push through blistered and bloody feet, aches and pains. They all have very emotional moments during their walk. They are true inspirations! {I loved the sign Kim shared that she saw along her walk that read, "It's kind of fun to do the impossible" - Walt Disney} So when I received a flier on my door that the Dallas route would pass by my house, I knew I wanted to do something to support the walkers. My sweet husband made batches and batches of pink lemonade and we passed it out and cheered them on. They probably thought Stella dressed up in her princess dress just for them...little do they know that she puts her dress on every single day. It was so fulfilling to support all of these amazing people and Stella got such a kick out of those who dressed up as angels, in pink wigs, in tutus, etc. One older woman who passed by looked down at Stella and said, "you are the reason we're doing this".