Stella asked me 20 times if she could bring her tea set and table and chairs over to my mom's. She had her own party for the first hour. Here are some snapshots of the day...
My sister and me...
We didn't wear these all day,
just for a big family photo.
My mom always adds a little something special at Stella's setting...
My sister is the photographer of the family and she tried to take Stella's Christmas card picture but she was not cooperating. She took her sweater and boots off the minute we arrived and wouldn't look at the camera. Sigh...
Oops! An accidental mini-marshmallow spill.
After shoving as many marshmallows possible into her mouth, the sugar must have gotten to her...she made a wardrobe change on her own putting her clothes on inside-out. Then she showed us her new trick...
Then she crashed...