I had been thinking about writing a post about parents reading to their children so it was perfect timing that this story was on CBS Sunday Morning. Did you happen to see it? It made me cry - a father's love for his child, the power of books. I always wished I was a reader but I'm really not. Maybe when I'm older and time slows down a bit. But for now, I relish in the fact that Stella is obsessed with books and has been since the moment she picked one up. If all is quiet in her room, the time when most parents get a little nervous what their child is up to, I'll quietly tip toe and peek in on her only to find her totally immersed in a book. We read to Stella but this story is a good reminder to continue to find the time to do so. We carved out a cozy reading space,
putting her chair in her closet next to her books.
An argument for books instead of sheet music...