Confessions Of A Bibliophile

I love Bookfessions.  Here are some of the confessions I like from their site as well as some  libraries I adore...
603. The best date I ever went on was when my boyfriend and I dressed up - me in heels, him in a bowtie - and went to the bookstore for the entire day.

577. I love going to a bookstore or library and just browsing.  It's my own personal therapy session.

579. I have a section on my bookshelf of books where I haven't read the last chapter because I don't want it to end.

576. I'm so in love with books, my thoughts are usually narrations.
{look at those tiny gold shell lights above the bookshelves}

312. A house is not a home without at least
one bookcase full of books.

294.  I had to get a new copy of Kerouac's "On The Road" after giving my old one a good life. I carry it with me wherever I travel and keep track of all the cities it's been to under the back flap.  Kerouac doesn't let me down.

280. I recite my library card number in my sleep.

268. I go out of my way to buy books that have notes written inside the cover.  I wonder what happened to those people - not only how this book reached them, but also what happened to them that this book ended up back in a store.  

Confessions of a magazine addict?