Spring Is Here

Let's be honest.  Spring has been here.  Our forecast has 80 degree days up ahead.  The Farmer's Almanac has predicted a mild summer, but I'm wondering about that.  It is amazing, though, to start working in the garden early and watching the hydrangea leaves burst out of their stems.  This year, we are going to try growing carrots in a container...

I plan on wearing my floppy hat (that looks similar to the one below) a lot while out in the yard.  I picked it up for $1 at Target.  They have a lot of cute ones right now.  I may have lucked out with my Plain Jane $1 one but there are others for not a lot.

We got a friend for Stella's pet fish, Blackie.  She's a cute snail named Goldie and Stella gets super excited when she emerges from her shell.

And with the new season comes a new look for the Treillage website. 
I always love perusing this site for inspiration...