We raced back from our trip to the beach so I could get some work in but this weekend I am looking forward to lots of naps, some cooking and cleaning, and some long walks to burn off the cheese ball, sweet potato casserole, and Frangelico night-caps.
The last time I was at the beach, I was wanting to buy the Sea Grove Motel and dreamt of turning it into a mini The Surf Lodge . This time, I will be trying to shake the idea of buying the Whale's Tail. We grabbed lunch here but on the lower/beach level, there were people with their winter hats and mittens on drinking - it was a cute scene.
Stella had a ball on the beach, chasing seagulls, dancing, running, throwing sand in the air as though it was confetti. The weather was perfection - not windy or too cold - just right.
Stella also logged in some much anticipated play time with her cousin, Macey.
Ladies who lunch...
Cruising around in golf carts to see Christmas lights while
listening to Frosty The Snowman on Pandora...
Building sandcastles...
Trying on their aunts' boots...
If you've ever considered being crazy and spending Christmas at the beach, I highly recommend it! On my way home, I read the December issue of Southern Living (perhaps the best issue ever) and I loved seeing Seleta Hayes Howard's Florida home decked out in Christmas decor. She is living one of my dreams...she packed up her suburban Atlanta life and is now living in one of the cutest beach communities, Water Color. If you can still find this issue in the stores, it's a keeper.
Back to reality, laundry, and a detox on the horizon.
Hope you all enjoy your New Years weekend!