For instance, I can't stop pinning pumpkin recipes...
I don't even like pumpkin! But wait...maybe I do???
And I'm really relieved to realize that I'm not the only one
who likes low-brow casseroles like this...
But wait...the others that are pinning stuff like this are skinny. So do y'all just pin these to make me feel better about myself? Or do you only feed this to your kids and you're really eating Boston Bibb for dinner? Cheaters. And this door...
Is this in New York? Did I see it when I lived there or is it only familiar because I've seen it a million times on Pinterest? This is called Pin-ja-vu or me simply lacking the ability to separate real life from my Pinterest life. Sometimes I have to circle around something
for a long time before I pin it.
Not even sure why. Maybe because I'm partly annoyed that everybody has pinned it already? But when I do and it's been out there forever, I don't want you to think I'm seeing it for the first time. Sheesh. Sometimes, when I've been circling around a pin and then my friend, Kelly, pins it, that confirms it for me. Or Tessa. Done! Pinned!
Sometimes I pin and then delete. Especially if it hurts my eyes because it's the only bright image on my board in a sea of calm. Can't even show an example here because I've deleted it.
I like to late-night pin and I like when I see others are late-night pinning, too, as if I find comfort in knowing they are all safe and snuggly in bed, like this bunny, whose clovers make it appear as though he's sleeping under Porthault sheets.
The End.
Or is it?
I mean, tomorrow is another day and a whole new set of images.
But when does it really end?
I just hit the 3,000 pin mark.
I was kind of hoping it never got to that.