New stockings were hung. I'm forever on a quest for stockings because I can never find the perfect ones. We now have three sets but these are my new fav I just picked up at World Market for less than $9!
And while I've been known to wrap an Escada ball gown around the tree (a $10 flea market find), I love this Martha Stewart tree skirt I bought years ago.
I placed candy canes in the cabinet...
you know, just like Aerin Lauder...
only, my dining room looks like this instead...
(it's a work in progress. please send donations. just kidding.)
My sister, Bo, who Stella calls Mombo (because Bo thinks she's really Stella's mom), came over for dinner and then we decorated sugar cookies. Only, I couldn't find the cookie cutters I had just bought and then we had no clue what we were doing "um, do we put the sprinkles on before or after they bake?" We'll get it together next year! They turned out surprisingly good...
even if they don't look like it...
If you want to see some better cookies, check out Nelle's;
she used a vintage cookie press!
Also this weekend, I framed some of Stella's artwork...
I kept racing to the mailbox for all these precious cards...
Here was the picture I used on our card this year...
And Stella unwrapped an early present from her friend, Blake;
ladybug slippers!