"Queen Victoria Dined On It"
"Princess Diana Delighted In It In Her Christmas Stocking"
It is none other than Herend. And when I hear the word, I think of my mom, who has a small collection of their precious figurines. I don't want to give you the impression that she is a nutty collector...she has them tastefully mixed in amongst her super fun (for a girl) dressing table. When Stella was born, my mom, who Stella calls "Darling" (she came up with that all on her own - crazy cute, I know) gave her her very first Herend...a little pink bunny. I know Stella will cherish it forever.
My keepsakes aren't in porcelain form. I have things in the kitchen that were passed down that I love every time I cook or bake. Like a bowl with painted cherries on it or a glass pie dish. They make me smile. Do you have a treasured keepsake that was given to you that makes you smile?