Oh, ya'll. Sometimes it's hard being a momma bear.
{Vanessa Redgrave with her daughters}
My heartbreak has officially begun. Stella's fast and furious friends at school are Sophie, Piper, and Brooke. In a week, these girls will move up into the next class and I fully anticipated them being split up. Change is good! But when the new classes were posted yesterday at school, my heart fell to see that not only would Stella not be with these three but literally every single girl in her current class will be moving together into one room and Stella is the only girl moving into another. She'll move with some other boys she knows (like precious Andrew!!!) but not even 1 of her "girls". I had to hide the tears from her in the car driving home. I can't believe I'm already feeling this way. She's only 3. And so this morning I found myself in the school office, fighting back my tears (again), as they addressed my concerns in a very sweet way. I'm expecting a call later as to the reason behind the decision but heard words this morning like, "very social", "bright", blah blah blah...words that a parent wants to hear any other time...I just want to make sure she's going to be OK in other ways. So now I find myself thinking back to her very first day when she was so shy and clinging to us and Andrew, who is so very shy himself, walked up to her and handed her a toy car. At least he'll still be in her class to watch over her.

{Stella + Andrew First Day of School last year}